Thursday, June 9, 2011

kisah 9 and 10 jun 2011

lepas penat marathon movie td kat cs, kete pulak buat hal. huh. lme nak setel kan, smpai kol 12.30 pg. blek2 je, aku tgk hp. byk gyle msg kwn aku yg org len reply. stalker! pehhh! hati pnas seyh. lau aku tak pk kau tu, da lme aku blah. sial. hati memg pnas gyler skrg. tak rse mcm nk tydo even bdn pnat nak mampos. pasl sbuk stalker hp aku, dgn fb aku pon die swoh delete! babun la sial. kau ingat bpak kau punye fb ape?! haisshhh, memg bikin pnas je la kau ni. aku memg tak leyh tydo mlm ni. peduli la. aku takkan delete fb aku, even ape pon jd. skit2 main ugut. ingat aku heran?! lansung tak!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

love addict

aku rase, sekarg aku mcm da jadi love addict la pulak. rase mcm da tak bleyh hidup without love agy dah. love pd family aku, kawan2 aku, and sume org kat sekeliling aku. tanpe dorg sume, aku takkan bley jadi mcm sekarg ni. and mungkin aku tak kan sekuat ni. love addict aku ni bukan pd special ones jew. tp pling utame kat mumy aku la. die selalu adew dlm life aku, selalu bantu aku dlm hidup aku, mase jatuh bangun aku. aku thu, aku dah buat silap pling besar dlm hidup aku, and aku pun tanak mumy aku thu pasl hal tu. sebab tu la aku try jadi seorang anak sebaik yang bley pd mumy aku utk tebus semua salah aku tu. aku sayang sangat kat mumy aku. aku janji pd dri aku, yang aku akan try buat mumy aku happy, aku akan jage mumy aku sebaik yang bleyh mase die tue nanti. i'll do anything as long you happy mumy. 

aku doa, supaye umur mumy panjang tuk tgk aku berjaye, bahgie kan die, and aku akn cube capai setiap butir impian die dlm dunie ni. she is the best mumy i ever had and i hope i will never lose her. i do love you mumy.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

part 3

prince charming??

do they real? i dont know. for me, there is no prince charming in this real world. i just love to be loved with someone that really cared for me. i'm not a materialistic type. haha. i'm hoping that there will be a man that always be by my side when my days turn bad. someone that i can rely onto. a man that will not slap me, or punch me, because i dont need an abuser!!!! 

love. . . 
it means to cared, to shared, to protected, each other. its hard to find true love. or should i say, true love doesn't exist in my life. too much pain, too much hurt, too much sacrifice. all i did because of love. then, i got nothing as a repay! they( my exx) only can talk, and promise. but do nothing! jerk! 

part 2

trying my very best to forget everything bout him. everything. then i realise, i cant forget about him at all. everything is on my mind. huh. cant imagine how hard my life, when he not around. cant breath in, breath out. i'm trying to live with my own feet, stand only by myself, i hope i can do it. 

ohh GOD, 
give me a strength to live, even its hard. give me a way, when there is no light. please. . .

part 1

 some people call me nad, some people call me jee. just an ordinary  simple girl. love to laugh a lot. talkative sometimes. a bit naughty + crazy. love to share. hate high heels, roses, and some girly stuff. yekkksss! i just love to be myself.